martes, 3 de junio de 2014

If the humanity does not limit his activity , the world can be destroy. The water and all the resources of the can be disappear if we don't control and use with moderation. "the future of the planet is in our hands." that is the reality that we has now. The only that can reverse this problem and create a better future to the earth is the humanity.

why the temperature is increasing
The human activity produce a lot of disasters and good´s. with all the machinery that the human ´s had , the atmosphere change and suffer. everyone of the gases that the human´s industries get to the air produce a disaster in the ozone layer. this gases that keep in the ozone layer don´t allow that the sunbeams escape for the earth. When the sunbeams does not get out the earth suffer a increase of the temperature, that produce a lot of disasters.

the temperature increase

Map of temperature changes across the world

In the global warming even the smallest detail counts. the scientist count the average of the temperature in smallest amounts. In the last decade the average the temperature was from (0.18 - 0.74 °c) and this average change a lot. in this ten year´s  this average change to ( 0.21 - 0.84), that is a huge "jump" in the temperature. only this 0.03 or 0.14 °c involves everyone of the natural disorders that occur in this decade.

what is the global warning
The global warning is a problem that involve one and all of the human’s beings. the global warning is a effect that produce the increase in the temperature of the earth. In the moment that the average of the climate of the earth increase , the humanity the planet suffer a lot of big problems . the humanity has to control his usage of the earth.